Thursday, October 27, 2005

Interesting how the "news" has changed in my life time....

Oh my goodness, how the news has changed. One used to not see anything out of the ordinary, and now anything sells news. This is an AP photo used with the AP story about 4 million out of power in Florida... hum.. I bet this is how all 4 million of them look.. right.. haha.. can you tell the photographer was a male.. (and he was!)... but then, who would have read this story without someone throwing in "eye candy" needed to draw you to it.. gosh, how the "news folks" must think we are complete morons!!! haha.. ok.. just trying to brighten up our day.. haha...
the whole deal can be found on this am... haha.. nothing about the photo other than ap tied it to the story. Got to be cuz this lady is average south floridian... yeah, right.. hahahahahaha...  Posted by Picasa

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