Saturday, January 14, 2006

Wonderful time last night....

What a wonderful time visiting and eating last evening with Sharon and Lawrence Robinson last evening and their new short term family addition, Jasmine, an exchange student from Vienna, Austria, who is 16 and will go to school here for one semester before returning home. Great Grandma Moffat and Sis MK and Phil and Tammy and Austyn were there also, along with Jake. We had Taco Soup, and wow, it was AWESOME! and Pecan Pie by Sharon and a Blueberry Desert by Ann. oh my gosh it was great, and visiting and taking the dollar tour of Robinson's beautiful home in Stillwater on Boomer Lake was truly great as well. They have remodeled their home to take in the lake view from all areas of the home and wow, they DID it up right! It is a now a Homes and Gardens Award winner, declared so by me!
Speaking of Jake, there are some new photos from his work online in the family albums along with a couple of short videos... we need to get a battery out of the camera case Phil has borrowed so he can get some more taken today... but he is already at work, so maybe next time.
Heather called about 5 to tell us they could not make it last night as she was on way to pick up a very sick Andrew at school... and take him home. We missed them all the more. Maybe next month of Feb. 10th, they can make the next one, and it would be awesome for Jonathan and Randi and Kaitlyn to come up as well. Maybe some time? it never hurts to dream, huh??
Jon reports an ok second day of school. Glad all is going well with him in his venture.
We ... the family, will celebrate Tammy's Birthday tomorrow at 11:30am at applebees in Stillwater. Yelp, she turns another year older... sigh.. as we all are in 2006...
Pray for Rain....
enjoy the day...

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