Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ann and I went to another of Austyn's Wee Tee Ball games sponsored by the YMCA. He is really into playing this year and he can not believe the season is about over. It was interesting and it was HOT!! Getting too old to set in the sun for an hour.. haha.. but he did really good. I think there is a video of him hitting a "home" run that I will put online later today if I get time. Needless to say, Grandma Ann and I were very very proud of him and his team. And of his dad too, as Phil helped coach this year, too. Paul did too for Andrew and he served as head coach, and discovered a whole nother world in doing so... haha... more on that later. Andrew's season is over for this year too. I know he is glad and so is his dad. It was starting to get really hot at those games, but then they are played were there are concession stands for folks who are thirsty, etc.. but the players find there way to them as well.. enjoy the day! Posted by Picasa

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