Monday, August 06, 2007

Grandma and I had a nice weekend...

Grandma Moffat and I enjoyed some downtime this weekend. We recently subscribed to a new movie channel for us, Starz... and we watched movies most of the weekend. I am downloading a back up file from one of the sites I work with and it has taken most of the weekend and still doing it this am.
We saw Madison a few times yesterday.. her and Andrew came over to 'stay and play' with Jake and Trisha... Jake took the day off... and he and Andrew were busy playing games we heard. We also heard there might be some other Grand kids in the neighborhood that live quite a ways off, but we were not sure... and then today, Austyn is coming over for a spell this am... so it's gonna be a great day....

not much else happening... have a great week... and stop and enjoy the day at least once!

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