Monday, September 10, 2007

Well you see it's like this.. haha...

Jake and Trisha took us to Red Lobster Saturday night, and so Grandma did not have to fix dinner Sat night after her big week end... and she had so much energy stored up that she wanted to burn off some .... so ... Jake and I burned some brush piles, then Mom found the diggers... and I watched her work!! And if you know Mom, she can work circles around all of us... really kidding, but not about how hard she works, believe me, that is the truth. Heather and Paul gave her the two Bradford Pear trees in the top of the photo and they are growing well, and we had come Crepe Myrtle bushes at our home we lived in when we were first married, you know, back before dirt...
so we planted three for now... a red one, purple one and a white one. Knowing Mom, they will be big and beautiful before we know it. Now, I need to rest. She wore me out. Well, ok, we also went shopping with Jake and Trisha, and if you have ever been shopping with Jake, you know HE WILL WEAR YOU OUT!! haha... And so it ends... a super great very awesome and tremendous, and wonderful weekend filled with grandsons, family, and love... The photos will all be online at

all for now, enjoy the day... photos are uploading now...
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