Even at an early age, Ann loved animals... And you know what... I have seen this same look from her holding her kiddos... or holding a grandchild... but no matter what, she exhibits confidence and purpose! I wonder what she might change in the future at this age, if she knew what was in store for her.... hummmm.....
On Wednesday, November 21, can you believe we beat the odds, and proved our parents wrong... haha....
It's strange what love can do and not do, and how much you have taught me over the years...
In all things I do today, you touch my life. You have become the most important part of my life, of my soul. I like to think I am king of the hill, big dog on the porch, but no matter how big my chest swells, or my ego becomes, you are always there to see that I don't trip, or get lost, and guide me always...
Oh, I know you don't realize this. I know you think you know how I feel, but odds are, you have not a clue how much I depend on you, how much I truly love you, how much "you" have become life to me!
You are my hero. You are my inspiration!
So after 35 years, how does it feel to me... like we never left day one!
My only prayer is that in the next 35 years, our hands will always find time to touch, our lips to meet, and our love increase as many fold as in the first 35 years.
Happy 35th Anniversary; and many many more!
All my love, forever and a day!
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