Sunday, November 11, 2007

Jonathan.... and Jake visiting day after his surgery...

Jonathan had been feeling ill in his stomach for sometime and it had really got to bothering him. He set up an appointment to with his Dr. who promptly sent him for test regarding his gall bladder. Two days later he had it removed, actually on this past Friday. Heather and Ann drove down to be with him. The surgery went well, and was a bit more complicated than they had thought it might be, as his gall bladder was very swollen and they then found a big stone blocking the duct... kind of after they were there... anyway.. they said he might be a lot more sicker had they not did the surgery... guessing he might have turned yellow and become very sick very soon! So needless to say, the extra hole or two they made has not bothered him and he is glad he had it... Now his next big adventure is having a root canal done of Tuesday of this coming week! I guess when you need to do pain, do it all at once and get it over with, haha...
Ann, myself, Trisha and Jake drove down to visit with him on Saturday and he was doing well. Randi and the kids had left to go to a crafts fair so we did not get to see them, but did get to check in with the 'recovering' patient! He is really feeling better and is able to be up doing things. He had walked around some in the am before we got there and was going to walk some more when we left.
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