Rec'd this from Marilyn K.
Neighbors of Kenny B from Cyril originally, ( I work w/Kenny's brother).
They had spotted the cougar - from a distance. Their horses have gone
crazy a few times (imagine that) and they knew there was one out there.
This is how HUGE he is !
Thought some of you guys may appreciate this.....
wow! We see one near the house on occasion, but don't "think" he is
nearly this big.
This is less than 30 miles from Alva.
Cougar Picture..of Oklahoma Kitty....Feel safe hiking in the woods?Here
is a photo of a cougar killed SW of Jet Oklahoma. The guy who shot it
is 6 foot tall and weighs about 220 lbs. He was in a deer stand and saw
the cat pass him downwind. He then saw it pass him upwind. When the
cat passed him again (closer this time) downwind, he knew that it was
hunting him. So, boom. After viewing this, do you still feel safe in
the woods? The pasture?
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