Friday, March 07, 2008

This am when I was walking...

When I was walking this am, I came across this place in the fence where the barbed wire had been sliced, and it became a time to think back to why that happened...


This is kind of a neat story... for me anyway.. haha.... It seems my father decided early on in my life that I could do the field work better than he could, that I could round off corners when we plowed our fields better than he could, get closer than he could to the fences, etc. So one day after we moved up here in the fall of 1960, I was working this field at an angle southeast to northwest and was about to the north end when it was time to milk.. Dad thought he would run the tractor and springtooth while I ate a sandwich and rested and he made a couple of rounds.. well, he got to the northwest end and went to turn and not being used to the process.... he turned way to wide.. and yelp... caught the fence... and yelp.. I got to fix it while he went to milk, and then I got to finish the field work. He and I used to tease each other about "how" this fence repair happened... but we both knew.. who was driving the train.. haha... sorry to bore ya.. but just remembering a time when things were much much slower... We did get the field worked, the wheat planted and Owen Walker, Jimmy Walker and their father LV cut our wheat that next summer. The year after we bought a new Case combine from the dealer in Cushing, OK. and on and on and on....
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