Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The new threesome!!!

Jacob Daniel and Trisha Mae... and new arrival Isabella Ann Moffat, born 11:33 AM on April 8, 2008. She is 6lbs and 10 ounces and 20 inches long... great set of lungs, but they will need to be louder for Dad... As you look at this, you are witness to the miracle of life, but not just in Isabella's birth, but to Trisha as well. Two years ago she was in a terrible car wreck near Tulsa. She was picked up by rescue and they told her parents much later as Trisha lay in comma for weeks... that she actually died three times... and Trisha after coming out of comma was told she would never walk nor talk ... etc... and as you can see, she does it all quite well thank you, as she would say... only a few days before delivery did they mention this to her Dr. She was having lots of "bone pains" and the dr. explained with all that was broken before.. she might have a bit more than normal... but again.. here is life ... and just how delicate it can be...

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