Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Heather won, Heather won.... Egg Decorating contest at work... congrats...

be sure and stop by and see the injured Andrew and read up on last nights game.....  what a tough young man he is...!!  I remember one hitting me like that back in the yesteryear....  I decided I would stay after school and go out for baseball with my friends without asking my mom and dad who were home milking cows and waiting on the school bus to arrive so I could finish my chores... ha ha... imagine their surprise when a car they did not know pulled down to the milk barn with me as a passenger... and a man they had never seen helping me out with about a 2" golf ball on my forehead....  I still am not sure the punishment for "missing" my chores, licks from my dad, was much worse than the golf ball on my head... but at the time, my head hurt worse! Needless to say, I never did the ball thing again...  so Andrew, you are a much better man than I for keeping after it! 

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