Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wonder if

I wonder if the passing storm in all it's grander and noise, is Mother Nature refreshing the earth, or it's God's way of celebrating Missy's Birthday, or the idiots in Washington getting ready to jam the health care we don't want or need and can not pay for down our throats... just wondering which... it might be... heck, it might even be our children and their children and children's future leaving them before they are born!

I prayed this just now ...
Morning Lord,
You know, You and I have had many trials and many adjustments in our lifetime together. Amazingly, it seems you have blessed me way beyond what I have deserved, let alone wanted. I do believe every request was met with an answer as fast as I dialed it in. I know I have not been faithful, nor have I ever come close to living up to your expectations and the way you love me back sometimes just blows me away. Thank you for all the many gifts and those yet to come our way.
And as you might imagine, when we get together I am either asking or thanking You for all you do. So in that vein...
Father, you seem to always be there when things are going great or need fixin' so I was just thinkin' God, if you don't mind, I sure would love to see each member of congress who keeps voting to spend OUR money needlessly on unwanted healthcare, bail outs, etc  while not supporting our troops with money and men,  and one of the dumbest President's I have ever seen in my 62 years, get beat in the next election. Just thinkin' Lord... If you need my help, please show me how. The United States cannot afford this idiot, and his band of crazys, and the way things are going, he and they probably will make it against the law for us to pray to You as well, shucks, it might not be legal to believe in You either, (seems he wants to be you) so sneakin' in the one last request...  thanks Lord for the many blessing you give us daily, just don't know how many more we need from Washington, if you get my drift.. You are still my King of Kings and Lord of Lords, no matter what Obama and the nuts say...
Amen... amen.

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