Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ok.. one more.. cuz this is great!

Rewriting Our History, Changing Our Traditions

December 16, 2009 - 23:23 ET
Watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5p & 2a ET on Fox News Channel
Person of the Year: Ben Bernanke?
He's the Saddam Hussein of economics. He's one of the "fat cats" that the president says causes the problem. He was on the board of governors of the Federal Reserve from 2002 to 2005 and was chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers from 2005 to January 2006. In February 2006 he was appointed as a member of the board for a 14-year term and to a four-year term as chairman.
Wall Street and banking CEOs are crucified, but the government guy who's overseen the tanking of our economy is applauded?
Bernanke's victory was bad enough, but the other finalists were even worse. He was up against — I'm not kidding: Usain Bolt (he runs faster than most people); Gen. Stanley McCrystal (who was ignored by Barack Obama); Nancy Pelosi; Steve Jobs and — my favorite finalist — the Chinese worker. Which one? The one that dipped our toys in lead paint or the one that poisoned our dog food?
I could go for the Chinese worker, if Time made it the slave that you are now slave to, but that's not the angle they were going for.
Fast runners, iPod creators, and people employed in Chinese sweatshops making iPods. Hmm, who is missing in this equation? I can't think of any protests or anything like that. There weren't many disagreements with this president. Progressives are jamming bills down our throats and America is just taking it. No questions asked.
How did Time miss the tea party movement or the 9/12 movement?
Time's year in pictures review doesn't include any pictures of either the 9/12 rally or the tax day tea party protests all over the country. But these are some of the most memorable pictures of 2009.
Cindy Sheehan brought 40 people to Crawford, Texas and she was a media darling and included in Time's 2005 year-end review. How do you tell the full, complete story of America and totally miss this massive voice of opposition?
This is the movement that has, so far, stopped the government health care debacle from passing; there's no one else standing in the way. Democrats have the 60 votes they need. What else is holding things up? There is no reason for a Democrat to vote against it unless they fear for their re-election chances. And because of you, they do.
At the very least, I'd expect the tea party protesters and 9/12ers to be included in the way I've grown accustomed to journalists covering them: The tea-bagger people standing in the way of reform.
But it's even worse than just being slandered with lame sex jokes. Millions of Americans united in a belief that government is out of control and needs to scale back the spending, the corruption, the special interests and who are publicly demonstrating their frustration at health care town halls, on tax day and on 9/12, they aren't being mocked anymore. They are being completely ignored. You don't even exist.
But this is not unexpected for people who take the Obamas at their word. Listen to what Michelle Obama has said in the past:
MICHELLE OBAMA: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."
Change our traditions and change our history. What did she mean by that? I think we are starting to see it.
Changing history means not just telling the same old tall tales of the free market system and the Founders. No, it's the history according to progressives. And it's not merely spinning the old facts; it's taking current events and molding them to fit the progressive agenda and, in this case, completely ignoring history.
What else did she say? Change traditions. Here are some facts:
 92 percent of Americans believe in God
 83 percent believe public schools should celebrate religious holidays
 66 percent say they will celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday honoring the birth of Jesus Christ
 Only 6 percent don't celebrate Christmas at all; 3 percent were not sure how to answer
That's what we believe. Those are our traditions. But here's what happens on the ground:
Teachers of a second grade class in Taunton, Massachusetts gave an assignment to their class: Make a Christmas drawing, something that reminds you of the holidays. One of the 8-year-old students knew exactly what he'd draw. He and his family had just visited nearby National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette where they have crucifixion statues. So, the little boy drew a stick figure Jesus hanging on the cross. Makes sense: Christmas is, after all, Jesus' birthday and the crucifix was fresh in his mind.
Now, imagine an 8-year-old boy. He must have been so excited to see how the teachers would react. Like Ralphie in the movie "A Christmas Story," eager to win his teacher's approval of the Red Rider story he concocted. And just like when Ralphie's teacher responded with a "You'll shoot your eyes out" reaction, this boy was also completely devastated. Instead of reacting with praise, the teachers immediately sent him home and ordered that he undergo a psychological evaluation.
Where is the common sense? The principle says "school safety protocols" in place that were followed. They had a safety net in place — great — but they still thought a picture of Jesus fit in the risk category?
Let's go to New Jersey: A third grader was getting ready for quiet time at school. During this time the kids can read a book, sleep, rest or whatever. This little girl, her name is Mariah, decides she's going to read her bible. The teacher walks over to Mariah and tells her that the bible is not appropriate reading material and she has to put it away. Mariah was upset and confused.
See what's happening? Ninety-two percent believe in God; 64 percent celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus. But God is "inappropriate" and what your parents have shown you is so risky you may need a psychological exam?
It doesn't match the real values of the country. But removing God does fit the progressive agenda.
Change history. Change traditions. But you can't just wipe them out, you need to replace it with something. And we are constantly being force-fed the progressive agenda through intentional propaganda:
 NEA art propaganda: Obama-care regularly polls worse than Hillary-care, so they "create" the illusion of support through art
 Those who stand up for the Constitution: Free speech isn't highlighted — no, no! You are part of some crazy right-wing militia
 If you aren't convinced global warming is man-made and it might be that giant ball of fire in the sky slightly fluctuating from time to time, you are a flat-Earther. You think the moon landing was fake? You are a Holocaust denier!
• If you believe in lower taxes for all, are you an opposing voice? Nope, you must hate poor people
 Tea party-goer? Well, you don't even exist. You've been crossed out of the history books
But if you are crossed out, who is being put in?
Dateline, Wisconsin: Teachers at a Wisconsin schools will have to teach the history of organized labor, under a bill signed by Governor Jim Doyle. Doyle added that he was "happy to sign the bill so students would understand the importance of the labor movement."
I know the cheese unions were crucial in building Wisconsin, but really? Let's see, which has been better for Wisconsin: Jesus Christ or the labor unions?
Imagine if the governor came out and signed a bill forcing kids to learn about the positives of Jesus in textbooks? The ACLU would be in full crisis mode.
Where are the teachers? When a politician can not only say what to write — because of a special interest group — but also the importance of it? When they are out of power, who gets their turn to indoctrinate? Every member of the teachers union should be screaming at the top of their lungs.
They are changing our history, changing our traditions and indoctrinating our children.

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