Tuesday, June 08, 2010

If you look around.. seems....

you might want to click here to see the latest on how obamacare is messing up the system...
Simply put, when broke, stop spending! This stupid bill needs to be repealed for one reason. We can not afford it. It was poorly crafted, poorly written and will not help anyone. It makes things worse. Even the uninsured will find this out. They are supposed to be the ones this bill helps, but right now as in the days gone by, no one is turned down.

In my close family I know of two who have been insured fully for last 30 years and have not been to doctor for physical!  I know of some without insurance who have had!  I saw my own father spend time in 2 hospitals, and one nursing home and one rehab center. They could have paid for every bit of it, but he was treated equally with those who had NO insurance, or perhaps a bit worse as they left a rectal tube inside him for two weeks and nearly killed him with that!

All this will do is cost money, create government jobs putting IRS into our lives even deeper, and provide us less coverage with less providers than we now have. If you think I am kidding, think it through. This is to provide insurance for millions more... and there are less and less doctors, and hospitals struggling now to keep doors open due to poor slow payments from government with what is now provided.

I am sure this payment process is much like I encountered in the feed business. We provided feed to many government operations, state and a few federal, and the payment was always 120 to 160 days behind... and in some cases over a half year late. Yes, we carried the government on our backs as a small business owner!

ObamaCare Watch  check this link out to keep watch on. might not mean much today, but just wait!

Did you catch this past week when China, our major lender, stiffed Gates on a major meeting with them, telling them the timing was not quite right... haha... or did you hear how Australia, when asking China for more money, was told to fix some things in their nation first before they loaned them more money? They did, they devalued their money some and China stepped up and loaned them more! Who rules Australia?  Is America next?

Doesn't matter how we got here... it was both party's who screwed us up and got us into this mess. What we need now is to 'set the reins'... put the stop on - spending! It has to come to a halt.  We need leadership, solid leadership. I honestly didn't like McCain and felt o'bubba was a flash in the pan... spent a lot of my life with folks JUST like him... lots of BS and no original thoughts or leadership. He has to be a one termer!

Both party's need to fix this by finding very smart women or men with leadership abilities and the word NO in their vocabulary, and we as Americans need to be able to accept NO. The next set of presidential candidates needs to have some practical experience in the business world, need to be a leader, not say they are but actually be a leader! and be honorable. and be someone who's word is his/her bond!

You may have hated Bush - but you always knew where he stood and that he would not change. Today that is not a bad character flaw, haha... this obubba can't tell the truth on any issue, and has flip flopped more on all issues than anyone I have ever seen in my life in any position. Most kids are better at this than he is! And man can obubba pick losers to surround himself with! How about a tax cheat for Sec of Treasury, or Head of Ways and Means or second in command being a tax cheat, and ... oh well just check them out.. great cast of misfits...

I have six wonderful, heck, even outstanding and amazing grandchildren, and I pray every night they will be able to enjoy this great country without being taxed to death.. but probably won't happen.

I promise you there is 20 to 25% interest coming. Inflation like we have not seem before... and unemployment will not decrease for some time. It would be just awesome if we could find out the truth from our government! We need to have term limits and throw out the old dogs who do nothing but suck off the public teat!

What a sad set of employment numbers. No private sector jobs being created, but hundreds of thousands of government jobs being created! And you and I pay for them! Right now if you add up IRS and State Taxes and are self employed you pay 58 cents on the dollar. Then you pay about 10% sales tax when you buy something and property taxes when you own something and tag and tax and ........     it blows me away. And I was thinking this is why American came to be, to get away from all the taxes???  Did I miss something here?

As a nation, we do nothing for ourselves. We produce nothing. Almost all we buy is imported. How can jobs be created in this environment? We need the age of entrepreneurship to come back - folks to start new businesses, tax incentives to help them start up, hire workers... and get to producing things HERE in USA.

One does not have to look far to see that this lack of leadership at the top mimicks our own top leader here at home. Look at the leadership from Gov on cleaning up Med. Ex. Office, or other boards or agencys... lots of problems and NO leadership. Lots of BS and no 'get'er done'....

ok.. off soap box.  I write these to stir comment... and those are welcome too..  loved to know your thoughts, or if I am way off base here and all by myself... or swimming with most of you....

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