Entertainment Showcase a hit

Photos by Donna Judd
This year's Entertainment Showcase featured an assortment of local talent - singers, songwriters and even a hoola-hooper extraordinaire! Ultimately the judges votes went to a young singer-songwriter/guitar player, Austyn Moffat and harmonica player, William "Blind Dog Willie" Fintzel.
Friday was a perfect evening for the Showcase, bringing out a substantial crowd of well-wishers for the contestants. This year's judges - Don Amon, Holly Maschino and Rev. Paul Ragle - had their work cut out for them as one by one the contestants took stage.
Singers dominated the junior division as well as the senior division. However, third place in the junior division went to Delaney Head for her amazing acrobatics and hula-hooping skills, with second place going to Avery Willman for her performance of "Journey to the Past" from the musical Anastasia. First place went to 10-year-old songwriter/singer/guitar player Austyn Moffat of Stillwater. Moffat, who has been playing since he received his first guitar at age two, performed an original song - "Right Direction" captivating the audience (and evidently the judges) with its depth of meaning and his unique phrasing and voice.
All three winners performed Saturday afternoon at Festival in the Park as part of their prize packages. First place also received $200 in cash and two hours of studio time at BrickHouse Studio, Cushing. Second place received $100 in cash and third, $50 cash.
The senior division featured singer/songwriters/guitar players as well - two in fact - Randy Judd, Cushing and Emily Katherine, Norman. Although neither won, their uniqueness appeared to be appreciated by audience members.
And speaking of uniqueness, first place winner William "Blind Dog Willie" Fintzel, definitely put on a unique and exuberant performance - always playing to the audience. "Can you hear a train a'coming?" he asked, as his harmonica began to howl. From his own rendition of Amazing Grace to train whistles and old-fashioned calliope - Fintzel wowed them with his freestyle harmonica playing and walked away with $400 cash, four hours studio time at BrickHouse Studio and a performance at Festival in the Park.
It was singing that won Britni Greer, Cushing, second place. Second place scored Greer $200 in cash as well as a performance at the Festival.
Third place went to Darla Hensley, Tulsa, for her rendition of the Patsy Cline classic, "Walking After Midnight." Hensley took home a cash award of $100, but was unable to appear the following day at Festival in the Park.
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