Friday, November 26, 2010

Talk about richly blessed, or one's cup running over... haha....

Yesterday, Thanksgiving 2010, was amazing for both Ann and I. We had our family together and as usual it was fantastic! How lucky we are to be able to enjoy each other's company even for a few hours every once in a while.
With Jonathan's family experiencing sickness with kiddos, they did not make it, but we thought of them, and missed them. We did get to visit with them via Facetime on Iphone, thank you Mr. Jobs, for this amazing technology. We got to see and talk with Kaitlyn, Dylan and Jonathan at the same time last night and it was overwhelming to do this - almost like they were in the same room with us!!
It was a great day. The kiddos got along well. So did the adults, smiling... yelp, even me, ha ha....
So, with all the great food and good times, etc. we are now on the lookout for Christmas, 2010. Can't wait...

Would have only one thing more to say... Please keep Christ in Christmas! The real meaning of God sending us His Son should not be lost in all the chaos of the season.

Stop and think about it for it's real meaning.
Think how big, how amazing, how overwhelming to mankind it must be to accept the fact that God our Father sent his Son to us knowing he would be crucified as a young man, never being allowed to grow old... Would you give up yours?

I know, I can hear it now, enough with the preaching.. ha ha...

so with that, just please, remember, it's Christ's birth - not the presents, that we are celebrating.

Again - amazing day yesterday. Thanks to everyone for everything. Ann and I have a wonderful, loving, giving family and we are thankful for every second we get to spend together!
Thank you very much for making Thanksgiving FANTASTIC!

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