Saturday, February 05, 2011


From the government idiots that are in place under obubba... here are their numbers they released this week...  but then we are used to their lies.....   
UNEMPLOYMENT AT 9.0% +36,000 JOBS...

CANADA +69,200...

and NOW, here is the real deal, the actual numbers are UP...  someone in the dumb house missed a decimal point, but I am sure we will here they 'misspoke'...  sigh! - Remember when you could trust those elected to SERVE us?

GALLUP: Unemployment actually at 9.9%...

'Under-employment' at 19.2%...

Labor Force Participation Plunges To Fresh 26 Year Low...

1 in 5 of us is working for less than we should be, or is off unemployment with NO job. How bad would the numbers be if folks could get to the unemployment office or better yet, the office was open when they did get there, due to weather. Wow!

And if we sort this all out,in the end, there is only one to blame and it's each of us for not caring and supporting and working for better folks to represent us, and not caring about what they do when there. We have to start caring, or there will be nothing left for our children's children. 

Not sure how to fix this broken wagon, but we have to start and pray we are doing the right thing. 

A good place to start might be understanding that going into a local store and buying things made in America, if you can find such, is the way to go. Even if one has to pay more, we are helping create jobs at HOME. 

Another thing to think about is buying off net. It is easy to do and most cost effective to most, but ... are we buying local and are we buying made in USA this way. 

I love to find the best deal and save money and have it delivered to my door, just like everyone else. I hate with a passion and always have WalMart and their buy it here and save and prices are falling here.. well they sure have... along with the jobs they have got rid of in America. Are you old enough to remember when Sam started the chain and he had it plastered everywhere one should buy at Walmart because they are a USA company buying in the USA and how it helps America to trade with them. and everything had made in USA promo on it... 

(then I am guessing, the dollar came into play, and the USA went out the window, along with most American manufacturing and JOBS.) I complained about all the junk they started selling as did all my friends... and then, it hit me one day, there is nothing made in this country anymore. 

Look around. Try to find an American product that is truly made here. Look for manufacturing plants in Oklahoma. Think of the ones that are no longer here, where did they go. 

ok... nough...  

just needed to vent. 

Let's see if we can do our part to help America out of a jam, and buy USA things. And support local businesses that buy and have Made in USA products. 

I am sure this sounds unAmerican to some, but simple things... IF you drive Chevy, or GM product, or import brand... maybe think about the ONE company that did not take bail out money and is proudly making the move to bring back all its products to USA...  yuda yuda. haha... 

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