Monday, May 02, 2005

We think that mom made it home, but it would have been ....

We think Mom made it home, but it would have been very late last night, so bet we hear something this am... and nothing... from Heather this am. I think she goes to the Dr. this morning, and she is hoping... the actual due date is tomorrow, I think.
Thru the grapevine... Phil got his new "wheel" and is now able to enjoy creating his art/pottery at home. He can spin his things at home, and take them to Stillwater to Multigraphics, where he can keep taking the classes and fire his work there. I bet before long he is teaching the classes!! He gave me a set he has made, a really neat bowl and a pencil cup... for my office, but I am afraid to use them, DON'T want to break them, ya know!! He is so gifted. But then all my kiddos are...haha.. not an opinionated dad, right? haha...
Jonathan was helping me on a website I am creating for a real estate agent/family friends in Stillwater, and I ran aground trying to figure out how to solve a problem, and Jon just fixes it in less than 30 mins.. and then... I create another problem, and he fixes it in about 15 mins.. another genius... haha...
Heather is my go to person. When I run behind or need help, she is always there, and helps me in ways to numerous to count. Over the years, she has been my right arm on lots of my web things... She has a great deal of writing knowledge, and knows so much more than her ole dad.. but that's cool, right. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be, haha....
Then there is Jake. Jake is the entertainer of the family. In more ways than one. Every family has one. Jake can get us laughing in less than a second, his songs and music are so moving, but beyond that there's Jake... the "uncle" who is a video game wiz.. He can buy a new game and in less than a day play through the whole thing. His mind's eye sees things that others never see. Now if he could put that to use in the "money" area, he'd be RICH beyond belief!
..............more grapevine.. got side tracked, right!
Heather and Paul and Andrew are having baby Boer Goats.. they had a pair of twin 'LADIES' born yesterday when Heather was home ... she saw the whole event unfold before her eyes.... Her father in law Roy, came over and fixed a place in the barn for them, since it was spittin' rain, and very cool for MAY 1st!
Tammy's Boss left, and that move left Tammy acting as administrator and teacher. She is not too happy about that, at least that's what I hear. She truly enjoys teaching and is good with the students, and simply does not like the administration side to well. She has had lots of "directors" come and go... and survied them all. She put together a slide show with pics of her students playing ect. and put the music from Billy Dean's new cd, a song titled 'Let them be little' playing as it showed the pics ... She presented it at an evening get to gether of the parents last week, and it went over very well... she is very gifted too..
Paul is playing baseball on the Stillwater Police Dept. team this spring... Heard they didn't win their last game, but .... they play for the sport and fun. I also heard the PD team has lots of injures, hummmmmm????? not sure I should have put that here...haha... Paul loves to hunt... and Andrew always mentions about once each time we keep him how "daddy hunts deer and shots them and eat meat". He is following in his dad's footsteps, as he LOVES the outdoors, and has since he was born.
Austyn is going to enjoy his last summer coming up, and heard he is going to play Tball too. He starts big Kindegarten next fall in Stillwater. He has found the video games that Jake plays to be very entertaining too, and Saturday, Jake ran into town and picked up a game for Austyn to play and Jake had an extra controller .. so he took it over to Austyn's so Austyn and his dad.. haha... could play video games. Jake's report is that Austyn is learning FAST how to make the moves to win...
Well, think this might go on and on.. but in the interest of your eyes.. and my lack of thoughts.. we better end it here!
The most important thing that happened was Saturday! I bought Ann a push lawn mower to mow our acre and half yard with and she mowed it and it looks cool! Aren't you proud of me!! It took her about 5 hours .. but she did it... see you never get to old to have fun!!!
While she did that, I went to Stillwater and Coyle to take pics of the auctions going on for the website I am working on ... I stopped in Coyle to shoot some of the main street buildings.. finished, got in my car to head home and had went one block and round the corner about three blocks away came a motorcycle, two motorcycles,..... 4, 18, 45, 55, 78, 91, 127.. of them.. I had missed the money shot by about a minute. The Stillwater Harley Club at Tommy Foreman's Harley House... was having a ride to eat at noon somewhere west of OKC, and they were joined by another club in doing this. It would have been so awesome... imagine standing at the west end of the main in Coyle and seeing nothing but cycles fill it for about 3 mins.. There was about a mile and half of nothing but cycles. Now that would have been a money shot, looking east from west end of Coyle with nothing buy cycles filling the street for as far as the eye can see.. Oh well, maybe next time, huh, .... yeah, right.
Ok.. till next time.. enjoy the day we have been given!!

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