Friday, September 09, 2005

About Cindy Sheehan from Melanie Shaklee...,

About Cindy Sheehan

What is most interesting to me is that the press gives this little bunch of people who
are protesting with Cindy so much air time without discussing Cindy's background.

This is a case of more press bias. It has been pointed out on just a couple of media
outlets that Cindy divorced her first husband and left her son with him to be raised
while she became a political activist for the Democratic Party. She had very little to
do with her son in his growing years. She remarried The 1st husband remarried.
The original father raised the son with his new wife. They miss their son and mourn
the loss of his life. They have stated that they are very proud of their son and that they
agree with the stance of America in Iraq and on terror. They said that their son was
eager to serve and to go fight the terrorists in Iraq. He volunteered. How many news
stations carried their interview? Not many. So the son dies in Iraq and then Cindy
shows up to make a stink. She gets an audience with Bush. That was not enough.
She goes to Crawford and demands another audience. How many news stations
carry the ongoing saga of Cindy? Practically all of them. Cindy didn't care about
her son. She let another woman raise him.

Cindy doesn't care about the other soldiers in Iraq. Cindy cares about her liberal,
feminist agenda and about using the death of her son to lobby against Republicans
and Bush.

And the press is helping her. Why?

Then 2 days ago, Cindy's 2nd husband filed for a divorce from Cindy. Cindy sounds
like a feminist opportunist who did not have the sense of responsibility to even raise
her own son. It looks like her 2nd husband is fed up with Cindy.

We middle Americans should be fed up with Cindy also. We should be fed up with the
press. They manipulate us into their "group think" and into the responses that they
want on their polls.

H. A. Brown

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