Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ok.. three romps in the ponds, hiked 8 miles with old fat man... I guess she deserved to have this turtle with her in the yard. She carried it about a mile and half to get it home... I don't know if the dogs were pooped, but I was!!! I had stress test with Dr. Lim yesterday and meet with him at 1:45pm on Thursday for my 6 month check up. His office called this am, actually Jory's wife across the road in the little housing addition... and told me that the test yesterday showed my heart was working, that blood was pumping through it and I had one!! There is some damage from the heart attack that is now showing up. All is ok and she said he will go over the rest on Thursday. Now if I could get someone to fix my knee... maybe Jake can weld me up one ... enjoy the day and stay cool!! Posted by Picasa

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