Sunday, September 09, 2007

and in parting... I wonder....


When grandparents are invited... with all their health issues, and physical problems, is there not a parking space within blocks of the schools...

Why the wonderful lunch we had... was same lunch served to kiddos, most could not open the packets of food... and by far way too much for kiddos, especially small ones...

But I do think it is a shame that something is not done about parking for the elderly... there are many grandparents I bet with bad knees, or weight issues, or heart issues .. who could not attend.... not sure how to solve any of these issues, but I do know.. there was a lot of food wasted, most because kiddos could not open the sealed packages of food.... and of course they did not ask for help either.. haha.. cause recess was next.... hehehe..... Oh my do I remember ..... but that was when you watched out on the play ground for things like teter totters that came down on your head, or someone bailing out of a 10' tall swing coming at you.. or a game of tag that become a game of 'who can hit the hardest' or kids just establishing their picking order.... or the principal with wood paddle who could make any room straighten up.. and most of us survived and are alive today.. and thank the principal, or teacher that busted our behinds, sometimes till we could not set down... but we are alive, and most are good productive citzens... who wonder.. why not? today......

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