Friday, May 28, 2010

Ever wonder what it feels like to drown in a 'sea of debt'?

Well..... you are now experiencing it! And you are not spending it. The nuts in Washington are.  No one will lead. No one will say NO.  No one can be found!  No one takes responsibility.  No one cares.  No one shares.  

Damn that NO ONE!

Stop it, before we all lose what little we have left after taxes....  and have spent our lives accumulating!

A favorite saying of a neighbor of mine growing up was (when he messed up something)... this is what happens when you send a boy to do a man's job! How true its been with this past election. You can throw politics out the window on this deal. This is just bad or non existent leadership!

spend and tax...  and inflation will follow... just give it enough time.

When my youngest started in the oil patch as an independent welder welding 'over the hole' keeping rigs 'turning to the right', he made an ungodly amount of money... and spent even more.

In Oklahoma, for every dollar earned.... all taxes, federal, state, etc... all hands on the dollar... I told him he would lose 58 cents on the dollar. that left 42 cents for him to pay expenses... and if you have ever been in a small business you are well aware that about 2/3 plus goes to expenses... so he was behind as an small business... but oh no, dad didn't know ... haha.. well that proved to be true.  he could have kept working for someone else and get 10 an hour and made twice the money!!!

And now... after the big O has been in for a year and half, we are spending more and more... I wonder if folks with their hands out ever wonder where the money comes from?
The one thing I do know... there will be nothing left for our grandchildren at the rate we are spending...

This country needs a leader. Someone who can say NO and mean it and not give out behind his back.. or her! Someone who's character from years of being in leadership position can lead us out of this mess. Someone who has a strong back and wide shoulders. Someone who says what they mean and means what they say. Someone who knows the helping hand we need is at the end of our own elbow! Not from foreign identities. And someone who is not a cheat, tax or otherwise...
Can you imagine ... or did you ever think there would be in a time in our country when...  The Secretary of the Treasure and head of the IRS... would be an admitted tax cheat? Or the head of our Ways and Means Committee who is responsible for writing the IRS tax code would be a tax cheat (couldn't remember which account had 500,000 in it, or if he paid taxes on rent income from his rentals...sigh) or the number two man on that committee would also be accused of the same problems...  or a Secretary who is a communist, admitted, or another who can't put sentences together, or another we'd have a one who is Secretary of Health who was head of her states Trial lawyers association... no wonder tort reform is not part of the new obamhealth care bill that will kill us all....  and on and on...

lots of problems...   what we need is a leader.  If you know of such, please share this information, so we can save this boat from sinking...

All we need is a man like some of the ones I have known in my life time... the Shaklee brothers, my father, my neighbor Mannford Cook, and you each know someone like this.  What we need is someone like those men, who will say yes to serving.. and clean up this mess!

sorry... i just needed to vent!!  thanks for allowing me to.

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