Friday, June 04, 2010

Uncle Mike...

For those of you who read this from afar... some sad news this evening...

Ann's brother Mike Shaklee was involved in a motorcycle vs. vehicle this evening around 7ish east of Nash, OK at the intersection of 132 and the highway that goes into Jet. As luck would have it, the nurse on Ambulance was a friend of Connie LaGrow's and called her after getting Mike to St. Mary's in Enid. She called us with the news.

He was wearing his helmet and we know now he has at least four broken ribs that have punctured his lung on one side, he has a nasty injury over an eye on his head and the cat scan showed he has some brain bleeding, but they are keeping him in Enid for now to see how he does. He will be in ICU after he gets out of emergency and they will keep him sedated for a while. He will be in hospital for some time, they thought. Right now, they don't know much else so we don't either. David did get to see him for a bit but only a short time and he and Terry are there now. We offered to come but he thought the need was not there to rush over, and Aunt Mert and Rodney, and some other family and friends are there now too...
We will keep you informed as we learn more with time.
Please keep him in your prayers...

Jerry and Connie LaGrow were out checking cattle this evening and drove by Mike's and he was out front talking to another bike with a man and woman on it... maybe his neighbor to the east that lives where the Timberlake Church was on the corner east... anyway, Jerry said Mike headed west after they passed and the other bike went on East...  about an hour before the accident...

Again... please lift up your prayers for Mike... I know he would appreciate it. He is in fact a cornerstone for all of us in our times of need....

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