Friday, November 05, 2004

An Update on Uncle Calvin Siegrist, Mom's brother....

Received this note from Aunt Agnes......

To update you on Calvin. We plan to leave for Loma Linda California on December 5. Calvin has to check in there on the 8th for the consultation and then we will see what from there. He has decied to go for their proton radiation treatment which will last from 8 to 11 weeks. We will get an apartment there as the treatments are every day M-F. The kids had planned for all of us to go on a Caribbean cruise and that is all off now. Not sure if David and Angie will go to Michigan or to California for Christmas.
Great news about the new baby girl! So sorry to hear about John Moffat.
Carl (Heinie) Wiedemann had pancreatic cancer surgery yesterday. He is still in ICU but Anna Belle said he knows people and is talking a little.

Uncle Calvin and Aunt Agnes were at Uncle John's funeral and Uncle Calvin is in great spirits... let's keep them in our prayers...

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