Friday, November 05, 2004


Was a wonderful day weather wise yesterday. Went to Uncle John's funeral in Purcell with Ann, Jake, Mom, Marilyn, Phil and Tammy. Uncle John was the true star of the show. He looked great, without pain, and a slight smile on his face, letting others still know he was finally home! Bet he and his brothers, sister, mom and dad, son, and his wonderful wife Clara are all having a great time in heaven ...
(photo by stan click to enlarge)

Afterwards, we drove by my first home... where I was born and my dad's family, the ole Moffat place, west of Piedmont, OK. Such a sad sight. Lots of out buildings are gone, and the home and the barn were built in the 1920's. I can remember listening to the Grand Ole Opry over the airwaves of WSM, Nashville, TN. in the front room of this home... Dad and Mom visiting with friends, Bill and Geraldine Wallace, and many others. The family dinners, gathering eggs and keeping them in the true ice box in the west room. Learned to drive tractors with Dad here, learned lots of common sense things from him early in life... he showed me and turned me loose... but then, Mom would gather me up when I asked a question, and set me down and show me how and why of it... She never knew this, but I thought she was the smartest person on the face of the earth. She gave me such wisdom, and made it fun, and on the farm, you always learned something when you asked a question of her! Still can remember lye soap, the old wringer washing machine that "smashed" her fingers many times!! And I remember how wonderful it was when Mom and Dad brought home my baby sister... man, was she cute and I knew she was already smart as mom!! Ok.. sorry for remembering, but sometimes, you know, you just need to say things outloud to see if they are real...haha..~~!

One last memory, of Dad cutting wheat in the field in front of the house, and Uncle Ivan and a friend of his flying in his friends plane on a Saturday afternoon, flying so low over the field, that Dad just knew they were going to crash, and him hollaring at them, and all I could think of was .... people can fly~~!!

And I remember too, that every Sunday morning and Sunday night and usually on Wednesday nights... we'd head over to Mt. Zion Evangical United Brethren Church... but even more I can look back now and clearly see... my folks taught me about religion, not so much by "schooling" me, but by example! The way they lived their lives~! Never lectured me, just showed me... something really lacking in today's world. And I am greatful!

So, yesterday was a day of remembering a great father who is waiting on the rest of us, those that have went before us, getting the party started... and learning again how great family is, and are!!

"Everyone has a story, just make sure that along the way in this world you're writng the one you want to read in the end~~!" Oscar Lee Moffat .. to me one of the nights when I stayed with him at the hospital. Thanks DAD!

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